Well this entry is pure procrastination i cant be stuffed doing anything when i know ive got so much stuff that i really should be doing. but hell haha im just slack then arent i? i will list wat i have to do just for this week *looks at her to do list*:
Week 9
- Senior English
- Letters
- Research
- Interview
- Report
- Oral
- Written Evaluation
- Discrete Mathematics
- EPW take-home section
- EPW in-class section
- Notes for Test
- Test
- Tuition Homework (x2)
- Political & Legal Studies
- Assignement
- Essay Preparation
- Lecturette (Oral)
- English
- Expository Text Preparation (Tell me I'm Here)
- Information Systems
- Assignement (there are like 12 individual parts for this so in short its a HUGE one)
- Test on the Information Systems unit
- Accouting
- Assignment- Budgets
- Assignment- Clubs and Societies
Not to mention the extra pressure of Mock Examinations comming up in oooh 3 weeks. Oh hell yeah! haha man im so screwed there are so many times where i feel i could give up right now but then i think wat the hell for? ive come so far what a waste it would be to just give it all up. Oh yes if i may mention that soon after Mocks i have the actual TEE Grrreat...NOT. Damn haha lets just say it sucks to be me! But it think i just have to hang on for the ride a little longer and it will soon be over, but Ahh! the ride has been going for way too long! haha STOP already! nah im starting to go overboard and exaggerate im not really freaking out too much like my friends and i were discussing yesterday: "There is still HOPE!" why? well because TEE and Mocks are worth a lot so if we all do well for that our current marks dont really matter but haha of course thats assuming we do, do well in them. I'm continuting to pray hehe i hope God will be kind to me *smile* and i hope 'Lady Luck' will be in my side, lately i havent been having such good times.
Anyway im gonna go now haha enough procrastinating.
OK i will leave you with this quote i just found but i think it is quite appropriate:
"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."
Author Unknown
Well till next time Munchkins~ *wave*