Saturday, December 24, 2005

Where did all the time GO *shock*

hahah yes i am very shocked as to how fast everything went by, (this will be a very short blog entry by the way~) i was doing my tee and then it was over and then i went on leavers in rockingham [got smashed as expected] and thenn it was my bday then i had a bday party with all my friends at the burswood atrium. the next day i flew out to SG for 14-16 days and i got back today! the trip which was awesome fun cuz i flew there with tracey and my mum! i hung out with tk a couple of times and shopping was wonderful as usual--- mmm discounts. of course i got to see all my relatives esp. my cute lil nieces and nephews~ ahh haha i love em so much!

but all in all im very glad to be home! see my brothers and daddy again :D

anyway im off cuz its CHRISTMAS! so merry xmas to u all have a happy and safe one =D


i will post again to re-cap everything that happened if i feel like it~


Friday, November 11, 2005

TEE exams are still happening


well ive done 2 exams....only! hahah time goes so slow

im trying to waste some time now

ive got nothing to do

actually thats wrong i should be studying but im always like this after an exam i never want to do much. just BuM around haha

lately ive been having some bad tummy upsets too. so haha thats a bit crap. mum suggested i take this aloe vera juice. but gooDness it tastes awful. its like sour plant juice hahah. i dont know how to describe it. maybe you should try it for ur self one day. but i guess it works

also lately ive been paranoid of every time i go into an exam my nose will start to run and i just hate blowing my nose in an exam. but *touch wood* it hasnt happened yet so.

well ive got 3 exams left to go [info sys, pnl, accounting]. info sys is on wed and pnl and accounting are on nxt nxt mon. yay! is so close to over. and then YEEha its leavers 'fuk yeah!' as kaz would say. its not that i dont love my family but it will be cool to be away from them for a couple days. haha i think its just the whole idea of making a physical statement saying 'i'm no longer a school kid, i am now a young adult, i can not take care of myself, i can make it on my own.' haha i'm just rambling haha forgive me.

well i think im done haha i dont really have anything to saY >_< [wow wat a boRing entry haha]

anyway i will leave u with a part of Kelly Clarkson's song Because of You [this is my fav part, just sounds very cooL, even though is saD.....haha]

Because of you, i'm ashamed of my life because its empty....

anyway im off now and im gonna continue to bum around haha =D

Well you take care all

ByE CottoN baLLs!!


Monday, November 07, 2005

The end is near...

Good Evening [well its nearly evening anyway]

First i want to say sorry for the 'Im MAD' entry haha lookin back i was an ASS haha

anyway as the title of this entry sez 'the end is near' and it sure is, TEE started today- written exams that is [orals for other languages started last week]. most of my friends had their first exam today Applicable Mathematics. I suppose luckily for me i only start my exams this thrusday ie 10th of november [the english paper] im glad i have english to start with. why? well i am always use to starting exams off with english and also because during the exams its constant writing it kinda hits me more that 'oh yeah exams have now started' haha i probably sound weird saying that. ah well. On something different i was pissed before but not anymore i was sick now im still sick but not as sick i was before haha. i had/have a stupid cough and cold but ah well. there is nothing i can do about that i just hope it goes away before thursday =) [sorry this sickness stuff must have been a but ranDom. but who cares right?]

Lately ive been an awful person though, ive become a constant whiner- it shits me and im sure it shits everyone else. i continue to say sorry for it but i cant kick the habit. it probably annoys me so much because if anyone else does it often it pisses me off. so it would make me angry to know ive become what i hate.

Anyway that wasnt wat i was meant to talk about i actually just wanted to say what my TEE time table is:

Thursday 10 November- English 9.20am @ Penrhos College
Friday 11 November- Discrete Mathematics 9.20am @ Penrhos College
Wednesday 16 November- Information Systems 2.00pm @ Canning College
Monday 21 November- Politcal and Legal Studies 9.20am @ Penrhos College
Monday 21 November- Accounting 2.00pm @ Penrhos College

Now i know i have complained about this before the DOUBLE of PNL and Accounting AHH haha that is the worst double ever! my brain is most likely to exploDE! but im glad the double is on the last day of exams for me cuz then i rekon i will feel very satisfied and also after if i feel really tired i can just sleep for the rest of the day. but *sigh* it will be annoying knowing pretty much everyone, apart from freya, will be celebrating because pnl would have been their last exam. oh well- i will try to be positive *thumbs up*

Plus im a bit of a useless buM. i have ZERO motivation, so even though exams are about to start for me ive done like nothinG. and even though my mother nags it doesnt work. cuz i should be studying like shiTE but nope haha nothing. Now when i think about it, if i dont get the course i want.... will i blame myself? or just move on and accept it? im glad i thought of this Q that way wen i find out what i got into [or what i didnt get into] i can come back to this blog n respond. haha * Claire is thinking =D

im also starting to worry about my maths exam, because im scared i will walk in and not know how to do anything- AT ALL ['o'] <--- thats a shocked face by the way. haha its annoying how this blog has no emotion pictures, that be cooL =). anyway back to wat i was saying im actually scared like that for all of em except english cuz i tend to make it up anyway and i just hope for the best haha =D

Sorry this is such an 'unstructured' entry but goin back to the 'no motivation' because im like that i also feel no pressure at this moment. although i dont feel weird because when i had mocks my attitude was also like this haha.

i was tellin my friend ricki how oddly enough im actually quite excited about TEE in a sense how this is the END. once u do that exam i could literally burn those books, notes etc. related that that subject OR throw them out the window- haha u get what i mean =D. but that will be fun after its over being able to chuck out A LOT of that craP- however i will be keeping my accounting stuff i think. it might help for the uni course i plan to do. =)

oh yeah i will just quickly run over what happened last week- well for one thing it was the last week of schooL! AH haha in the first few days we were just getting back our mock exam papers from our teachers [i failed one paper >.<] ah well im over it. we had the father daughter dinner that was cool a couple of the dads got a bit drunk haha and me and my dad danced which was funny cuz my dad doesnt know how to dance at all and as he sed "claire im not comfortable doing this..." and im like okok after this song u can go sit down if u want okay? but he was good cuz my dad tends to send ppl the msg that hes a but anti social but he made a few friends with the other dads so that was good *smile*

we also had valedictory service- that was really sad. our form teacher miss edmunds cried and that made us wanna cry..... =( haha nah but lots of my friends cried, and im the sort when i see someone else cry i feel like i wanna cry too and haha its worse when i know the person. but we got presented with a scroll and a yellow rose. it was funny though, i dont think anyone expected to cry so no one had tissues hehe

also at our last form our form teachers- [M6 Clarkie, M5 Miss Ed] gave us a pressie M6 got little pot plants and ed gave us all little silver graduation hats hehe and drew us all a personalised card so that was really cooL =)

then it came to the last day of school- so saD! we all came to school in our modified versions of our school uniforms [i stayed up till 1am to finish mine haha] then we had a slide show of photos of us yr 12s during the years. Then the flower ceremony i gave flowers to friends and got flowers from friends i was surprised to get a flower from our form of 'little sisters' [its like a peer support group] and then we had the yr 12s final assembly hahah i lost it there at one point i couldnt stop crying- although i was holding it all in for a bit. hehe and my mum came to it i could see her and i saw her crying too- funny. it was nice though we all bonded a lot like a big family =D

This first part of the day was already quite exhausting. in the night we had a graduation dinner that was really good. just a time for all of us to relax and enjoy the night. food wasnt great but dancing was a lot of fun. although i felt a bit left out a lot of the girls went out shopping i should have done that too. would have been fun. i just stayed at home though- alone.

well as always im sticking to my procastinating ways =) im gonna go now because i think i should and i dont really have anything else to say [well i do but i dont want to say it. this 'thing' will probably work out on its own anyway]

anyway good- bye, hope u enjoy ur evening and if any year 12 or any uni student whatever if ur soon or currently having exams, if u read this well i wish u the best of luck and take care!- [dont get sick like i did haha =)] oh yeah sorry about typos if any but frankly i dont care about them haha


Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm MAD!

AHHHHHHHHHH! i am so fuking maD as in angry mad not crazy maD. i could shout till there is no enD to it. more specifically shout profanities until i dont know when.

i should be happy right now but fuk no im so saD and angry what the heLL!?

just to fill u in the comming week is our last week of school HooRah is wat i would say if i were happy but NO! i've got all this shit to do and really i only have FOUR days to do it because friday isnt even an actual day. argHhh i want to shake someone!

i will show once again another list of what i have to do (some pleasant and some crap things which i have to do.)

Senior English:
  1. Reading and Viewing Journal- ie. 15 fuking entries and like i sed to ricki they cant be pissy shitty-no content sort they have to be fuLLy detailed and of course as usual ive made it harder for myself not doing the journal grandually. BUT i dont do that gradual sort of shit im just no good at it! i cant even make myself start it cuz all the time im like 'this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid, this is stupid.' and so on. once again i have the urge to shake someone!
  2. Along with this stupid-ass journal i have to do a speech and as it is i dislike oral task
  3. Reading Comprehension
  4. Writing Comprehension- once again both 3. and 4. are STUPID as well because i had exams while the other snr eng girls did this so now i have to cram it in and do that in my own timE how is that faIR?! comeon! we have fuking exams to do! now lets make this clear i am not angry at the teacher but i thought she would at least schedule our asgs in such a way so the TEE girls would get all fuked up! AHH!
  5. Guest speaker and written summary- again stupiD! why? because they did that during our exams as well so i also have to squish it into my own time AGAIN
OK those were the STUPID things. these are the pleasant.
  1. Write letters to teachers and friends
  2. Birthday Invites
  3. give presents
  4. buy flowers [is it even possible to get flowers now?]
  5. modify uniform- and it pissed me off how my mum sed "why are u wasting so much time on that crap" and i havent even done any of it im still trying to gather ideas. i was so MAD cuz she just doesnt undertanD. stupid woman!
MAHHHR there is just too much. as u can see im already freaking out!
its so craPPo- why couldnt it be a nice relaxing week
i will leave u with this:
but then again it could be because im just a slow at doing long tasks like that ie the fuking journal!

well this is claire choo choo. signing out!

excuse my ragE i just had to vent it all out, u know. cuz haha now im not feeling so mAD =)

bye bye.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lets Procrastinate. Why? Because it's Fun....

Hey there Dearies,

Well this entry is pure procrastination i cant be stuffed doing anything when i know ive got so much stuff that i really should be doing. but hell haha im just slack then arent i? i will list wat i have to do just for this week *looks at her to do list*:

Week 9
  1. Senior English
    • Letters
    • Research
    • Interview
    • Report
    • Oral
    • Written Evaluation

  2. Discrete Mathematics
    • EPW take-home section
    • EPW in-class section
    • Notes for Test
    • Test
    • Tuition Homework (x2)

  3. Political & Legal Studies
    • Assignement
    • Essay Preparation
    • Lecturette (Oral)

  4. English
    • Expository Text Preparation (Tell me I'm Here)

  5. Information Systems
    • Assignement (there are like 12 individual parts for this so in short its a HUGE one)
    • Test on the Information Systems unit

  6. Accouting
    • Assignment- Budgets
    • Assignment- Clubs and Societies
OK and to sum it all up i have done NONE of this so im pretty much fuked. hahah writing this large list really has just made me feel so much worse. DAng! hahah

Not to mention the extra pressure of Mock Examinations comming up in oooh 3 weeks. Oh hell yeah! haha man im so screwed there are so many times where i feel i could give up right now but then i think wat the hell for? ive come so far what a waste it would be to just give it all up. Oh yes if i may mention that soon after Mocks i have the actual TEE Grrreat...NOT. Damn haha lets just say it sucks to be me! But it think i just have to hang on for the ride a little longer and it will soon be over, but Ahh! the ride has been going for way too long! haha STOP already! nah im starting to go overboard and exaggerate im not really freaking out too much like my friends and i were discussing yesterday: "There is still HOPE!" why? well because TEE and Mocks are worth a lot so if we all do well for that our current marks dont really matter but haha of course thats assuming we do, do well in them. I'm continuting to pray hehe i hope God will be kind to me *smile* and i hope 'Lady Luck' will be in my side, lately i havent been having such good times.
Anyway im gonna go now haha enough procrastinating.

OK i will leave you with this quote i just found but i think it is quite appropriate:

"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good."

Author Unknown

Well till next time Munchkins~ *wave*

Sunday, July 24, 2005

*wave* ^_^

Hey there MoFos! =P

okay im not gonna write much cuz i gotta do some hw/study etc but just to assure u i havent forgotten about this blog just im way too bzy to blog about stuff, but i would like to. haha ive actually got an old blog entry bout the ball which is half done so maybe i will post it up [hahah if i ever finish it].

maN year 12 right now is heLL. according to my P&L teacher we have 40-something days left so haha that just freaKs me out. BUT thank God im almost there! BUT [again] i sure do have a shit load of work in line for me. cuz im sure just like every other year 12 student u wanna do well n right now im not doin so good, so in order to do well i pretty much have to give it my all and work like shiTe! but im trying to believe in myself and tell myself that i am doin all this hard work etc just for ME, not for my parents, myself cuz hey its my future haha~

anyway aH! i should really go n finish my asg now
so seeya~
haha probably until after TEE *laughs to herself* nah i duno... we will see~

Ja ne~ v^_^v

Friday, February 04, 2005

aHh~ the first week of school is FinaLL oveR~! ^_^


weLl as mentioned in my title, the 1st week of school is oVer! monday was awesoMe cuz i got to see allll my friends together again pLus it was our first official day of being a year 12 *thumBs uP* so yesh also on thurs we had our induction service which is wen yr 12s get badges saying they r a yr 12 which is pretty cooL just a gold lookin one with the school symbol in the middle. hRm also ive had all my classes and im v. happy with the teachers i have [well im happy so faR *touches wooD* >_<] for eng i have mrs bradstreet n ive never had her before but so far shes an awesome teacher v. likable person. for senior eng i have ms thomas everyone sez shes a bitcH but she seems alrite so far, quite a nice person who sneezes weiRddd >_< [haha wen ever she sneezes i crap up cuz its so weiRddd hahah]. for discreet maths i have miss eD n she rocKs, one of the main reasons i like maths so mucH [eRgh that reminds me ive got tuition tomorro mornin >_<, i want the fuKin sleep innnn]. for accounting i got mrS Habib again cuz there is no one else who teachs it~ haha but shes a good and nice teacher~. for info sys i also have mr mcmahon again n it suX our yr 12 class has been merged with a yr 11 class, sucKyy >_<" anD mr mcmahon is reaLLi boring this yeaRr just goes on and on bout some shit~ >_<"". lastly~ i have mr mawe for politcal n legal studies which is gooD hes a good n funni teacher =) pLus for the first time in like 2 years T-KoH is in my claSss~! anD in generaLL i got ppl in my claSs who r my good friends which is awesomE but im sad i still dont have a class with bec bowLerr~ =(. but aHh yeahh im hoping for a successful year this year hahah [pleasEe! i need to do weLL this yeaR~!] buT anyway this week of school so far i dont have all that much hw~ just some snr eng and accouting oh and some eng~.

oh yesH the ball im quite lucky seeing im allowed to go to afters~ ^_^ hehe get to boozEe [nahh hahah im not goin to drink till i get drunk cuz thats just siLLy~] n then after that im gonna sleep over at helens and yess~

anyway enough for now~ erM bye haha

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

SchooL started 2 days aGo >_<" bloody craP!


its my neW blog! godness knows y i started a new one, my old one was perfectly finE oh weLL >_<". haha im so bored i should be doin extra study for school seeing it is THE LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL for me hahah year 12, still hasnt sunk in yet. just the fact this is my v. last year in penrhos and just school in general bcuz school has always occupied most of my life so like all of a sudden one day a whole chunk of ur life that ur use to will be taken away. hahah its pretty sad how school takes up so much of ur life but its just one of those things that have to be done i gueSs. many events r comming up for yr 12 such as nxt week on a friday i think we have our interhouse swimming carnival and on that same day we r having our yr 12 retreat/convention or wateva u want to call it~ and then on the 25th of Feb we have thE baLL haha liKe woaH~! =P haha all the teachers scare me they have all said something along the lines of "your final year of school will go by so fast u wont even know" jeBus! hahah i sound stressed but i swear im not i fkin should be tho ey? hahha probably cuz i dont have ne actual h/w. so haha im just bummin round in my room listening the 92.9 hot30 ^_^ my fav~! anywayy these 2 days of school have been easy so farrr~ so guess we will see how it goess. well im off dont feel like typin nemore shite haha =P