Sunday, November 05, 2006

Oh, OH, OHHH!!

haha random title but who cares.

but guess what people!!

I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST! (on the 2/11/06)

Yeow! *does a dance* i made a couple boo boos but it was all good~

so right now i have to do the log book thing right and ive done 1hour and 15mins so COME ON haha 23hrs and 45mins to go haha =P

and exams are literally around the corner, maybe we are already past the corner. i have an exam on the coming saturday... infact i will do as i usually do and just do a timetable thing its much easier to type down and probs easier to follow than my babling =P

i have 3 exams all in one week [sorta]:

1. Sat 11/11/2006 BUS160- Introduction to Accounting 9.30-12.30
2. Tue 14/11/2006 TLC120- Introduction to University Learning 9.30-11.30
3. Thu 16/11/2006 BUS161- Introduction to Economics 9.30-11.30

So lets hope that will be alright.

na na na i dont really have anything else to say. but im hella bored

so anyway catch ya later.

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